Self-Publishing: Do It Right or Don't Do It at All

I first began my journey of self-publishing out of a frustration with people not wanting to represent my work. However, unlike many, I wasn’t doing it because of a desire for fame or fortune, but as a wish to have other people enjoy the stories I wrote. I was grounded in the knowledge that less than 1% of successful writers are able to live off writing full time. So I had no delusions of becoming the 1% (certainly not immediately).

Thus, I decided if I was going to seriously publish something, I would ensure it was in the best possible state to reach the most amount of people. I enlisted the help of Beyond DEF- Literary Book Publishing Services for editing, cover art, formatting, and marketing. Excuse the shameless plug but it was thanks to Tiffany and Co.’s guiding hand the book and my own writing style both evolved to where I had always hoped them to be.

Tiffany and her team also didn’t pull punches when it came to my preconceptions and expectations. Their criticism was definitely jarring at times, but I knew it would help me become a better writer in the long run. And it has. Even as I edit my next novels and write new stories, I use the knowledge and techniques I’ve gained from those experiences. I know my writing isn’t perfect, which is why I’ll use her company again, and again improve my writing ability. But I’ve already gone leaps and bounds beyond where I was when I started this self-publishing journey.

So, if you plan on doing self-publishing, be sure to do it right. That doesn’t mean hiring Tiffany (although I’m certain she wouldn’t object to the offer), but do more than the minimum requirement to get the book to print. Your future fans will thank you, and you’ll be glad you did it as well.